Sunday, July 1, 2012

Catfish and fried okra!

It's Saturday! Thank goodness! I usually just lay in bed on Saturdays and catch up on all of my shows (Bachelorette, Glee..and my new obsession: The Office). But today I actually did lesson plans, blah! I figured I'd get a head start on this week since I'm switching over to math and now have to have 3 lesson plans per day (literacy was every other day). Once I got quite a lot done, I headed to my favorite place here in Cleveland...Walmart. woohoo! (not). I haven't been in a week and half, which feels like forever, and needed to get a few things. I never realized how expensive it is living on your own, my goodness! I thought I just needed a few things, and ended up spending $55! Toilet paper, paper towels, moisturizer, snacks, and water. Oh's the necessities. I also bought a little red and white shirt for the 4th of July, I don't have anything to wear that day and it was only $5 so I figured it was a good purchase. Although it just smells like Walmart (and that isn't a good thing!). I'll have to remember to wash it before I wear it on Wednesday.

Anyways, after a long day I planned dinner a bowling for anyone who wanted to go. A few people recommended this local place for dinner, Fat Baby's Catfish House, which I had never been. I was really excited once we passed Walmart because I've never ventured out beyond there. It was like this secret world of the unknown...the secret world passed Walmart. This is what my life has become...wondering what is passed Walmart. To my surprise it was a cute little restaurant. When we sat down they had a bread basket with hushpuppies and catfish bread. Yes, I said it. Catfish bread. I didn't know it was catfish bread until after I ate it, but it was pretty good! It was like a piece of cheese bread with olives on it and I guess pieces of catfish? Everything on the menu looked pretty good, and I didn't really want to order the catfish, but I figured I couldn't come to the catfish house and not get catfish. They also have a bunch of different sides you can order that are so different from places in arizona: catfish bread, catfish gumbo, hushpuppies, fried okra, turnip greens, and many more! I've always wanted to try okra, so I definitely had to order that! As main dishes they also had fried quail and frog legs! (eww). Well, thank goodness I also got a side salad because the whole meal was fried! I just don't understand how people can eat this food all the time for their meal.

Fried catfish and fried okra! I couldn't even eat 1/3 of this meal. 
So much fried food, but I figure I have to try everything once. 
I actually liked the okra!

Picture of the restaurant

Restaurant sign

Inside the restaurant they have this giant map of the US and you can write your name and the date you were there on a piece of paper and pin it to your hometown. I wish I would have taken a picture of the entire map, it was really cool! Someone from Glendale was there a few months ago.

Pretty picture of the Mississippi sunset.

After dinner we went to the local bowling alley, and boy was it local.
Christina and I outside by the street sign.

Stephanie and I 

Ricky and Christina - two of my really good friends!
They are both from California. Christina went to Berkley
and Ricky went to USC. Fun fact about Ricky: his parents own
an In-N-Out in California, haha! 

Christina and I bowling!

Bowling ended up being really fun, although it was so hot inside! I swear there was no air conditioning at all. I'm glad we got out of the dorms and spent the night visiting some local places in Cleveland!

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