Sunday, July 8, 2012

Photos of Delta State!

This cool restaurant we went to! Not on campus, but just wanted to show you the picture.
The food is great and they have all of these cool antiques on the walls and hanging from the ceilings (like old red wagons and strollers and other products).

Delta State Dining Hall 
This is the fabulous establishment where I eat. woo.

One of the roads I walk to when I go to the library and print lab. woo.

Another sidewalk I walk on. woo.

The gymnasium. woo.

As you can see Delta State is very pretty. Really, it is. I'm just excited to not live in the dorms anymore! On Friday I get to leave and move back home! Well, my new home...Baton Rouge! I absolutely cannot wait to move into my apartment on Saturday. The weekend can't come soon enough!

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