Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fun pictures from Greenwood!

My roommate loves to do photography so she brought her 
camera on our road trip yesterday and took fun pictures!

Stephanie and I

Victoria (who is in the Appalachia region), Christina and me

Salena, Alice, Victoria, Christina, Me and Stephanie

I found this cool old fashioned truck parked on the side of the street so 
Hanna took some neat photos of me with the truck!

The next group of pictures are my favorite. You know the part in The Notebook where Noah and Ally lay in the middle of the intersection at night? Well, we saw this intersection downtown that looked just like the one in the movie. It was my bright idea to reenact the part in the movie with Christina and Victoria since the intersection seemed pretty dead. Little did we know that the pavement would be scalding hot! I guess I should have figured that. As we're laying down, we're all yelling at Hanna to hurry and take the pictures because the pavement is burning our backs. Then, I look over and see that a police car is driving towards us! I screamed and we all started to run away. Mind this whole scenario is happening, Hanna is just snapping away, taking pictures of the event. We were laughing so hard and the pictures turned out hilarious! Here is our little romantic reenactment of The Notebook scene. I guess it did turn out just like the movie when they run away as a car comes towards them!

Just laying on the hot pavement.

Yelling at Hanna to hurry!

Oh shoot! The cop is coming! 
Victoria didn't know what was happening (as she just lays there still)

I got us so fast, scared the cop would come get us!

It just hit Victoria that we're about to get in trouble.

And I'm being a lady as I run away. 

This day was so much fun. I couldn't have asked for a better day! :)

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