Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Tour Of Greenwood, Mississippi

Fried Alligator Bites! They were actually really good. I mean, really. Especially with this Comeback Sauce. Mmm! Alligator tastes just like chicken. I think it was also good because it was fried, and let's be honest, what's fried that isn't good? I will definitely have to try alligator again. And if you haven't tried it, you must!

Howard Street in downtown Greenwood

Cool old buildings

Pretty church downtown

They have a bunch of things representing The Help.

This amazing bookstore, Turn Row. It's very southern and quaint and just beautiful. It makes you want to buy all of the books inside. I actually bought my very first children's book yesterday, The Cat in the Hat! I decided to get a classic for my first children's book. I can't wait to start my own little library for my classroom, Ms. Knall's Library. Yay!

Pretty house in Greenwood.

Another pretty house.

And another..

And another..

Just outside Greenwood they had this really cool little group of old wooden houses. It looked like it was out of a movie in a swamp or something. I think people live in these because one of the buildings is actually a tavern. I just thought these looked so cool!

Beautiful corn!

The vegetation here is just breathtaking, isn't it? It never gets old to look at all day...

And now we start our tour of the actual filming locations from The Help.

Hilly Holbrook's house. This is the woman who Minny works for and 
brings her the pie on this front porch!

The Leefolt Home. 
Remember when Aibeleen leaves her job and 
Mae Mobley sits in this front window and cries? 

Aibeleen's Home.
Once you pass the train tracks, you can definitely tell that the area is predominantly black and poor. All of these homes seem to be really rundown. Despite the poverty, there is such a sense of community. Everyone just sits on their front porch and it's rare to see a house without chairs on the front porch. Funny story with this house. We were parked outside and taking pictures of it and a few minutes later we realized there was actually a man sitting on the front porch! He was just smiling and waving at us, haha. We just didn't see him through the screen! We quietly drove away...

We tried to find Skeeter's plantation home, but got really lost so decided to quit looking for it. It was so neat to see how proud this community was of their "fame" from the movie. 

The Help is actually based off the town Jackson which is 90 miles away. The film directors just loved Greenwood's frozen in time character, which is exactly what it's like! There is just so much history here, just in the bricks and buildings alone. It truly is so amazing to see. It makes me realize that people are so mesmerized by seeing other "popular" destinations in the country, but most would never think to come to tiny towns in the south and learn about them. I'm so lucky that I was placed here for the summer because it really has opened my eyes to seeing parts of the country I would have never cared to see. I would have never heard of this town if I weren't placed in Cleveland for the summer, so I am blessed to have this experience. 

More beautiful pictures of Greenwood!

Cool old building!

Pretty church

Cute little restaurant where we had lunch,
and where I tried alligator!
They had such great food. I got a pimento cheese grilled cheese.
They also had fried green tomatoes! My friends got the fried green tomato BLT, yum!

Downtown shops

Cool sign

Old building in Greenwood.

And my favorite picture...
how gorgeous is this?!

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