Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Moving into my apartment!

Yay! Finally it's time to get settled into my apartment!

It's a beautiful day in Baton Rouge to move into my new apartment! 
Look how gorgeous Baton Rouge is!

My new home!

My living room

My empty bedroom!

Such a big bathroom AND closet! Yay!

Double sink! I don't have to share with Nic, yay!

Pretty kitchen with granite counter tops! 
(started decorating a bit, but need to hang up some stuff still, no judging yet!)

So pretty, love it!

View from my balcony, love that I can see the pool!

When I walk out my front door, over by the staircase there is a little balcony. 
This is the view of behind my apartment. It's a beautiful little horse pasture. 
Isn't it pretty! I love walking out of my door to this view every day!

I started decorating a little! I love mason jars. I thought it would be cute
to do my flour and sugar in mason jars. I added a cute bow to jazz it up a bit! 
I also started a cupcake liner jar -- the one in the middle holds all of my fun cupcake
liners. My kitchen is slowly coming together as I decorate. 
I just can't wait for Nic to get here so we can decorate our apartment together!

I also wanted to go by my school since I hadn't seen it yet. I definitely wasn't expecting it to be this amazing looking school, but it's pretty nice for a recovery school district school! 
Here it is, Dalton Elementary! 

New teacher orientation is next Friday, ON MY BIRTHDAY! Woohoo! 
It will be such a great day getting to meet all of the teachers 
I will be working with, and more importantly, to see my school! Yay! 
We don't have access to our classrooms until the 30th, so I definitely can't wait for that day to come. 

Oh, and by the way, I've decided to do a Carnival themed classroom! 
I'm so excited, it's going to be the cutest classroom ever! woohoo!
  I just have to add to it little by little since I don't get paid until I start working. 
But hey, we gotta do what we gotta do!

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