Sunday, July 1, 2012

More of My Babies!

Not all of my students were at school the other day so here are a few more! 
(still need to photograph 2)

Janiya (miss cuddly)
How pretty is she? She is so sweet and always tries to cuddle 
with me while I work one on one with her, haha.
(She looks so sweet, but if someone annoys out, she's give them a mean face!) 

Arlando (mr. sweetie pie!)
Isn't he just the cutest thing?

Arlando barely knows how to speak, which is so devastating. He loves to talk but it's all gibberish besides a few words. He can't even tell me the letter "a" or the number "1". However, we are working relentlessly to teach him! I've also sent home a packet for his parents to practice every night with him. I'm hoping this summer we can make a big change in him, he deserves it!

On Friday we had to give class surveys where we asked the students about the other teachers in the classroom. One of my co-teachers had to show me this survey about me from one of my students, Danariyah, because it was just too funny. They ask if she likes her teacher (me) and she says "yes, she's really nice". The last question asks if there is anything else that they want to share about your teacher and Danariyah says, "I like her hair. And I know who she is." Haha. This made me laugh so much. Danariyah is my little diva and is so sweet. She is also making such great progress this summer! 

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