Monday, June 11, 2012


My morning began at 4:30am -- can you believe that is our wakeup time for the summer?? This will take some getting used to. Once I got all dressed up in my professional attire (I am excited to wear "grownup clothes" this summer), I walked over to the dining hall to find at least 400 people in line to get in. Ugh! We all filed in to find a madhouse of a cafeteria. Surprisingly, the breakfast was better than expected. They have oatmeal, eggs, sausage, fruits, french toast, cereal, and much more. But then I realized I only had 15 min to eat and wait in line for our packed lunches before boarding the bus. As I walked and scarfed down a few bites of eggs and an apple, I rushed to get my lunch in our beautiful lunch boxes and headed for the bus. I was the LAST one to make it on the bus! I quickly sat with a girl I'd never met and we began to talk on our ride to the school we would be teaching at. Little did I know, I'd be squished on a hot, overcrowded school bus with no air conditioning for an 
hour and fifteen minutes! 

My beautiful school ID --
YES, we are the fighting okra! 

We finally arrived at Matty Akin Elementary School in Greenville, Mississippi! Greenville is actually quite a developed town founded in 1836 and today has 34,000 residents. And, an interesting fact: Kermit the Frog was born there, too! Greenville will be my little town of love for the next 5 weeks where I am determined to make a difference in their schools. 

My school!
Akin Elementary

During the afternoon we were able to travel to City Hall where the mayor met us and graciously thanked us for our dedication to better their community. Then, we walked to the Greenville Library where we received a tour of their literary exhibit. 

The drive to Greenville is very rural, with lush vegetation all around -- it's quite beautiful! 

But there are some very run down parts along the way as well

Perhaps we should try the local dry cleaner? -- 
(couldn't help but laugh, hahaha!)

Arriving back at Delta State, the dark clouds began to form and in an instant, a MASSIVE thunderstorm broke out. Luckily, we were in the dining hall for dinner where we could seek refuge. Unluckily, some of my friends were at Walmart where the power shut off and they locked everyone inside! The storm was very scary and the power kept flickering on and off. I dreaded the thought of walking in this storm with high wind speeds, extreme lighting, and thunder that shook the buildings. 

As my 800 fellow corps members and I waited for the rain to go away (which it never did), we all got up the courage to RUN to our Welcoming Ceremony across campus. 
And let me tell you, this was not a pretty site.

Can you imagine seeing hundreds of girls (and some guys) scream as they wear trash bags over their bodies, holding their shoes in hand while carrying heavy book bags and purses? It was like I was in a movie and couldn't stop laughing as I ran barefoot through campus, petrified I'd get struck my lightning. And through all of this, I couldn't help but think that I would always remember my first day at Institute. 

The regions here at Delta State for Institute!

Yes, it was tiring and stressful. But it was also inspiring and motivating to hear from the community and each other that we can and we will achieve tremendous student progression this summer with our 

I am ready to make a difference. I am ready to change the life trajectories of my students.
I am ready!

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