Sunday, June 17, 2012



After one of the longest weeks of my life, the weekend is finally here. Thank goodness! Tonight we had a catfish fry. I'll admit, I wasn't that excited...until I heard they were having free beer, haha! My friends and I all headed down to the "quad" (a big grassy lawn), and I was surprised to see they had a live band with a bunch of tents and tables. A local restaurant who is famous for their catfish was catering the event, and local community members all fundraised to have beer for us! What nice people! The food buffet had catfish, hushpuppies, coleslaw, french fries and steamed vegetables - yum! But it was my first time eating catfish, so I was a little hesitant. It was actually pretty good! 

There were 1,000 people at this event, so we all hung out for awhile together and even got to meet the fighting okra! Woohoo!

SLA (South Louisiana Corps) with the Fighting Okra!

Later that night we stayed to listen to the band and even did a limbo competition!

Rachel, me, Andrew, Christina and Stephanie
(my good friends in the corps!)
Rachel is from Tennessee, Andrew is from Philadelphia, 
Christina is from Sacramento and Stephanie is from Tennessee as well!

Evelyn and Andrew seeing who could limbo better, haha!

When we got home from the catfish fry, everyone was partying in the dorms. Weird, right? I thought so   too, but we're allowed to have alcohol in the dorms. Woohoo! The biggest social space in the dorm is actually the laundry room, so we decided to have a little party in there! The boys even put together the laundry folding tables to make a beer pong table. Hey, as teachers, you have to be creative of whatever you're given! Tonight was just too much fun. I have made so many special friends here that I can tell will last a lifetime. 

The beer pong table!

Saturday was such a relaxing day! I got to sleep in, thank goodness, and had NO responsibilities! yay! I  literally laid in bed all day (well, until brunch at 11:30), and then went to Walmart (the new fun thing to do here) and then laid in bed some more. Good news is that I was able to catch up on some of my shows! While at Walmart, a local Cheer company had their mats outside and were raising money for a competition. They were so cute and put on a show for us Walmart shoppers! Here is a little video I took of their routine. 

That night, my friend Stephen planned a big dinner for all of us at this Mexican restaurant down the road. I was a little hesitant on the quality, but was pleasantly surprised when I walked in and saw that Mexicans actually worked there. It's weird moving from Arizona where there is such a high Hispanic population and then moving here never seeing one Hispanic. The food was so good! And the margaritas! I'm sure the restaurant was so excited when 40 of us walked in together for dinner, haha. The whole town loves it where we're here because they get so much business! 

Roommate picture at dinner!

After dinner, I was so tired and had absolutely no desire to go out. Right as I changed into my pajamas, we had a firedrill. Come on! Heading out the door I grabbed my essentials: my phone and BUG SPRAY! I haven't talked about it much, but the mosquitos here will eat you alive. SERIOUSLY. It's sad when you get ready, look all nice and pretty, and you step outside and douse yourself with bugspray. Ick! Good thing I got the kind that isn't greasy. The bugs are such a turn off to a surprisingly beautiful state. 

 Firedrill picture outside! Can't forget the bugspray! 
These are my roommates: Hanna, me, Stephanie and Evelyn
Stephanie and I were roommates at LSU and Hanna and Evelyn were our suite mates. Here at Delta State, Hanna and I are now roommates and Stephanie and Evelyn switched so they could be roommates. Although we aren't each other's suite mates, we're only down the hall from one another!

I'm sad to say my weekend has come to an end and I won't be happy to wake up tomorrow morning at 4:30. However, it is our first week teaching! Yay!

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