Wednesday, June 13, 2012

These are the days..

These are the days I will remember.

I'm still no where close to getting used to waking up at 4:30 in the morning. It makes me cringe even more when I think that it's 2:30am in Arizona. My friends are coming home from the bars and I'm waiting outside in line for hot breakfast with 60 pounds of materials on my back, dressed in a suit and being attacked by mosquitos. Ugh! And let me tell you...these mosquitos are relentless, they will go through anything. Also, because it has been raining so much there are millions of them everywhere! Ewww.

These past few days have been better than day one, however. Yesterday, we finally began planning for our first lesson plan! My first lesson plan is next Wednesday, yay! I will be reading to my first graders and teaching them how to identify main characters and their important actions. I have chosen 2 books for this lesson plan and another 2 for a later lesson plan. It was so much fun to go to the library and explore their world of children's books -- seeing books like If You Give A Mouse A Cookie; The Stinky Cheese Man; Rainbow Fish...It excites me to be able to share these books with my students!

The Pig in the Pond; The Little Red Hen
Baby Duck and his Bad Eyeglasses; Owen

Tomorrow I get to meet my students for the very first time! We are administering an assessment called the San Diego Quick which will tell me what reading level my students are reading on. I am interested to see where my students will be, considering almost all of them are repeating the first grade this summer.


The joys of being a teacher!

Oh and here is another pretty picture of the beautiful Mississippi landscape on my bus ride to school!

I just think the land here is gorgeous -- how could you not appreciate something like this?

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