Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dream Wall

Last week, we had our students draw a picture of what their dream is, what they want to be when they grow up! My co-teachers and I thought this would be a great way to really get to know the aspirations of our little ones..what really motivates them; the outcomes were hilarious! I guess I have to remember that when I was their age, all I wanted to be was a dolphin trainer at Sea World..hey a girl can dream, right? haha. Before getting started on their own dream picture, I showed them my dream picture -- to own my own bakery! Little did I know that I would influence 3 of my little ones to one day be a "cupcake girl" too! haha..they make me laugh so much!
Here are my little darlings' dream pictures!

Our Dream Wall

Ms. Knall wants to have her own bakery! :)

Taylor wants to be a Rockstar! 
I wonder where he got that idea! (it's our classroom theme).

Danariyah wants to be a Rockstar, a doctor,
a teacher, and a fairy! Why didn't I think of that?

Janiya wants to be a teacher, a doctor,
and an ambulance helper!

Makaylan wants to be a cheerleading coach, 
a baker and a nurse!

Robert (mr. troublemaker) wants to be
a doctor dentist! (just as he told me)

Patdericka wants to be an artist, a doctor
and a cupcake girl!

Coriyonna wants to be a doctor!

Kenyatta wants to be a teacher! (aww)

What amazing kids I have! They all have such wonderful aspirations at such a young age. I'm very proud that someone in their lives has instilled in them that they 
truly can be whatever they dream to become! 

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