Friday, June 8, 2012

I signed a lease today!

Today is our last formal day of induction and time has absolutely flown by the past few days! I have met an incredible amount of genuine people and am so blessed that I was placed in the perfect region.

Teach For America's work in South Louisiana is crucial. It is essential to change this culture of low expectations that is both self-perpetuating and ultimately destructive for the students whose futures are at risk. Today we were able to see a video of a young woman who was the exception and not the rule. She made it out. Shaneka was born in Indianola, Mississippi where 10% of people graduate from a 4-year college. Not only did Shaneka go to college with a full ride and graduate, but now she attends Vanderbilt where she is getting her doctorate in biomedical research! How inspiring is that? Shaneka attended a high school where 93% of students are on free or reduced lunch and has a 63% graduation rate. From the time she was old enough to work, she contributed to her family's income and still helps them to this day. None of Shaneka's teachers or counselors believed in her; they didn't even help her find information about colleges after expressing to them that this was her dream. I will not be this teacher. I want every single one of my second graders to know that they WILL go to college and reach their dreams someday. As Shaneka sits in class next to students who attended Harvard and Yale, she feels insecure, like maybe she isn't as good as them. But then she reminds herself, "Their Phd will mean the same thing as my Phd, and that's all that matters". Hearing stories like these instill in me the motivation to change my students' life trajectories and set them on a pathway to success. My students will be the rule, and not the exception!

After another massive rain storm today, I decided on an apartment for Nic and I to live! It is absolutely beautiful and I cannot wait to move in on July 15th! Here are a few pictures!

View from our balcony! 

Pool and BBQ 

Tomorrow is our last day in Baton Rouge before we pack up to live in Mississippi for 5 weeks! We were supposed to go tubing down the river, but because of the massive rainstorms it is doubtful that it will happen. Me, my roommate and suite mates are going to spend tomorrow running errands and just bonding with one another. 

I can't wait! 

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