Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Observation Day!

This week the regional staff of South Louisiana traveled to the Mississippi Delta to see how we are doing! Last night we held a regional meeting to reconnect with each other and it was so nice to see our staff. I actually missed them! This week they brought down not only the staff, but also alums and representatives from the school districts to observe some of us teaching. I was nervous, but didn't really think they would actually come to observe ME..boy was I wrong!

Not only did I have 2 South Louisiana alums observe me, but I had the Executive Director of South Louisiana observe me..TWICE! I was shocked when Michael Tipton walked into my room, he is basically the President of TFA south louisiana and a local celeb there. Ah! I thought I'd be nervous but it actually made me feel really confident in my lessons. He left me a wonderful note, too!

As if that weren't enough, the Curriculum Specialist of Akin Elementary (the school I'm teaching at right now) observed me too! He gave me such great advice and even said I will be a really strong teacher! Yay! It made me feel so good to hear that. After my lessons, my co-teacher said, "Did you see how many people came to see you today?? You got so many personalized notes! I'm jealous!"..of course hearing this even added to the highlights of my day! Ah, it was such a great day!

My wonderful notes from my observers!

And to top it all off, here are some pictures of my amazing students! 3 of my students were missing today, so I'll have to take their picture soon and upload it! How cute are they??

Coriyonna (miss troublemaker)

Patdericka (miss shy)

Robert (mr. troublemaker)

Makaylan (my sweetie pie!)

Danariyah (my little diva)

Upcoming lesson plan on Thursday!
Reading them The Three Little Pigs with puppets!
I bet they will just love it! :)

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