Tuesday, June 19, 2012

First day as a teacher!

So today was officially our first day of teaching! woohoo! I absolutely love my kids, they're amazing! I have 9 students this summer: Danariyah, Taylor, Coriyonna, Patdrieka, Mackaylan, Arlando, Janiyah, Robert, and Damien. 

Throughout the summer, I share a classroom with 3 other women, or as we call it, our collaboration groups (collab groups). We are all new corps members, but have an advisor who watches over 3 classrooms and a faculty advisor who watches over a few classrooms as well. Our classroom theme is Rockstars! They will be ready to "rock" 1st grade come fall! 

Our classroom has different sections when incorporating our theme. Here are some pictures of our classroom!

Our classroom door!

Behavior Chart on left:
Everyday they start on green: "Let's Rock N Roll!" (Ready to learn)
If they exhibit good behavior, they get to move up their clothespin
Yellow is "Rockin' Behavior" (Keep it up!)
Black means they're a "Rockstar!" (You're famous!)
However, if they exhibit bad behavior, they have to move their clothespin down
Blue is "Singing the Blues" (practice makes perfect)
And Red..."Speak with Management" (parent contact)
Guitar on right:
They have 2 stars at bottom (Math & Reading). 
When the class does well after a lesson, their star moves up!

"Main Stage": our reading area

 "Opening Act": our morning message on the whiteboard
"Set List": our agenda for the day

Rewards and Consequences!

Their goals!

Their cubbies!

Their alphabet (and unused computers)

Tonight was Community Night where parents and families were welcome to come and meet their child's teachers and see their classroom. Although only 2 of my parents showed up, it was nice to meet the parents of my students! But boy, such a long day! Arrived at school at 6:55am and didn't leave up 7:15pm. Ugh! But, it was all worth it. Just to remember all those smiling faces from today. That will be my motivation to wake up in the morning. Can't wait for tomorrow!

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